Historical Collection of Military History
The Luftbrücke Berlin (ELB) memorial site in Faßberg is also the home of the military history collection of the Luftwaffe Technical Training Centre (TAusbZLw). The TAusbZLw is supported by the Association for the Berlin Airlift Remembrance Site e. V.
The aim of the collection is to present the social responsibilities of the armed forces in a systematic and educational way, that is both media friendly and enables a deeper understanding about the Bundeswehr at the Faßberg site. The collection also examines the Berlin Airlift and its wider implications for Faßberg and Berlin.
The exhibition documents the role and actions of the United States Air Force (USAF) and the British Royal Air Force (RAF) in Faßberg and their collaboration at the time with the German workers of the German Civil Labour Organisation (GCLO) who were responsible for loading coal.
Technisches Ausbildungszentrum der Luftwaffe Fliegerhorst
Waldweg / Ecke Gr. Horststraße
29328 Faßberg
Phone: +49 5055 1721450
Admission: 3,00 €